The one hope we have regarding transformational change - that is to once and for all end conflict and suffering in our lives - is to begin to ground ourselves in reality. In fact, aligning oneself with reality - what IS true vs. what we want to be true - is the very meaningful act of change itself. Sound easy?
The realization of how extraordinarily difficult this is for each of us to do in every moment is also a reality and a necessary starting point.
Consider the ways in which we attempt to avoid reality, the ways we trick ourselves into believing a more palpable story. We deny the facts, uphold an image of ourselves that we want to be true. We create a story, then choose to believe it, so much so that we are no longer even conscious that we made it up in the first place. And did I mention that we are very adept, well-practiced story-crafters. We can build a case, compile the supporting arguments and then justify our actions based on this fictional story.
Pick an example from your life, any instance, big or small, where conflict exists. Look into it. What assumptions are operating? When you truly hold these assumptions up to the light of investigation do they seamlessly match the facts? Can you truly stop and challenge the arrived at conclusions long enough to ask open questions? Are these assumptions really the truth or are you turning assumptions into 'fact' and by doing so conveniently avoiding reality. Look into it.