
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Insight vs. Action

Insight regarding our behaviors and responses in the world is certainly important, but it is the actions that change our lives.  Insight without behavioral change is like expecting music theory to substitute for actually learning to play an instrument.  It is the action that creates the music. 
Sometimes, insight can become its own form of resistance.  It can be a way to write off the responsibility to respond differently in relationship.  "See this is just how I am; you can't expect me to change."  In fact, often, the behavior has to happen first in order to set in motion a new way of interacting.  Deeper understanding can then follow.  Insight alone is never enough.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Choose the hard right over the easy wrong

A dear friend of mine just shared this quote which was born out of a difficult, current life choice she is facing.  I share it here for the simple truth that it offers us all.  How often do you choose the easy way rather than the hard?  Are you aware of the presence of these choices?  How often do you find that fear impacts your choice?  The fear of conflict, the fear of possible rejection or disapproval, the fear of taking a risk into the unknown, the fear of uncomfortable feelings - do these fears take presidence?   Do you tend to take the "easy" way, opting for the path of least resistance even when you know that it isn't the clear, healthy choice?   Right action is the action that propels us towards freedom, towards conscious living.  Often this choice requires facing fear.  The problem is that the "hard right" can, like this phrase, feel dramatically like a 90 degree turn or even a 180.  But consider what becomes possible when we challenge ourselves to choose this path over the temporary "fix".  We grow rather than stagnate. 
Relationally, examples can involve taking the risk to directly state a need or risk conflict by bringing up a difficult issue or share more deeply than is comfortable.  Sometimes this can entail ending a relationship or committing more fully to one.  Wherever you hit this fork, be conscious of it, for there is always a choice and the choice between the hard right and the easy wrong is yours.